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Peer Wealth

We see many silly things that people do, all things that could be avoided if they talked to an accountant before acting!

Here are 2 tips to get started:

1. Get an offset account!

An offset account is a separate transaction account that when it has available funds in it, the balance offsets your outstanding loan balance and therefore, reduces the interest payable on that loan.

Why are offset accounts important?

SCENARIO 1 - Lets say you have a property (either investment or home) and you have been paying down the loan over the past few years. You then want to buy a new property to live in and rent out your existing property. You think you can increase the loan on your current property to fund some of the purchase of your new property and since the loan is attached to your newly created investment property you think the interest is tax deductible.


The ATO looks at what the funds have been used for. Since they have been used for the purchase of your new property, which is your home, it is non-deductible debt.

SCENARIO 2 - Same situation as scenario 1 but instead of paying down the loan you put your excess cash in an offset. When you go to buy your new property you take the cash out of your offset account and use this to purchase your new property. The full loan on your current property is now tax deductible.

2. Interest only VS principal and interest

These two different types of loans will give you two vastly different results. Individuals who are lucky enough to have two properties, one home and one investment property, need to have two different types of loan.

Make your home a principal and interest loan. Pay this one down as fast as possible. Home loan is bad debt, meaning you can’t claim the interest on the loan.

Make your investment property an interest only loan. This will reduce your regular repayments on this loan to only an interest component. The extra principal that you would usually pay off this loan, put it to your home loan.

Get in touch with us today by filling out our enquiry form.

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Contact Information:

(02) 8014 7608
PO Box 444 Manly NSW 2095

Office Location:
Suite 202b, 39 East Esplanade
Manly NSW 2095

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Peer Wealth Pty Ltd is a member of Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand.


Peer Wealth Pty Ltd operates under Australian Credit License: 390255.

Peer Wealth FP Pty Ltd ABN 24 115 294 463 is a Corporate Authorised Representative (Representative No, 001281977) of Futuro Financial Services Pty Ltd ABN 30 085 870, Australian Financial Services Licensee (AFSL 238478).

Financial Services Guide

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All information contained in this website is of a general nature and is not intended to be exhaustive. It is made available in good faith and believed to be correct at the time of preparation. The information does not provide specific advice as the objectives, financial situation, and specific needs of any particular person, including yours, were not taken into account when preparing the information. Prior to making any financial decisions, always seek independent legal and financial advice. Futuro Financial Services Pty Ltd and its authorised representatives (or credit representatives) do not accept liability for any errors or omissions of information supplied on this website.

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